CHILDREN: A Trust allows you to name a guardian for your children, create a plan for paying for their education, and names an individual (Trustee) to help your children reach their fullest potential.
“My husband and I have four children, and for me having a Living Trust shows that we love our children enough to be responsible and to be concerned about their welfare even if we die. It’s all about the long term for us and the desire to make sure my family is secure and not left with the burden of sorting through a financial mess or dealing with what we would have wanted for our kids.” – Amanda P.

SPOUSE: Chocolates and flowers don’t last; instead show your spouse lasting trust and love by giving the peace and security a Trust Package allows.
“For me, a Living Trust shows love for my family because it simplifies an inherently difficult process and allows me to help my children at the right time and in the right way after death.” – Matthew K P., Client and WLG Attorney

STEP-CHILDREN/GRANDCHILDREN: A Trust allows you to name a guardian for your children, create a plan for paying for their education, and names an individual (Trustee) to help your children reach their fullest potential.
“We have five beautiful nieces and nephews ranging from one month to six years old, all of which are beneficiaries of our estate. Traditionally, if your beneficiary is a minor, an adult must apply to the court to become the conservator of their inheritance and provide a yearly accounting to the court. Once the beneficiary reaches age 18, that beneficiary receives their entire share in one lump sum. However, our Trust allows us to skip the court intervention, conservatorship and accounting processes. Instead, the Trustee will provide for our beneficiaries until they reach the ages that we specified in our trust (and you better believe it is not 18!). Our Trust allows us to provide for our beneficiaries when we want and how we want – all with the express purpose of truly enriching their lives. We view our Trust as our final love letter to our family.” Chris & Brittany R.
Brittany R., Client and WLG Attorney