Can you (and should you) file a bankruptcy by yourself?
- December 31, 2019
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Contact us today at Winsor Law Group to discuss your options for both personal and business bankruptcy relief.
Sometimes debtors seeking to avoid additional expenses ask whether they should file a bankruptcy case without the assistance of an attorney. They may reason that filing a bankruptcy is only filling out forms, that some “paralegal services” charge a fraction of the price attorneys do, and that there are many online resources available to help them.
To answer this question, we’ll share a story from one of our attorneys. Many years ago, he installed a sprinkler system in his back yard by himself. He researched sprinkler system design, including flow rates, pressure loss from pipe sizes and sprinkler heads, and optimal zone sizes. He purchased high quality valves and controllers. After building the system, his last step was connecting to the copper water service line where it entered the house. He bought the necessary copper fittings and pipe, and despite the fact that he had never soldered copper pipe (but he had read about it), he tried to sweat off the existing fittings. Having no experience, he overheated the copper and badly deformed the pipe when he tried to remove the fitting. So he cut off the fitting and pipe and rebuilt the damaged section. When he turned the water back on, the section sprayed water out of an unsealed joint. He couldn’t get the new fittings off, so he again cut them off, bought new copper, and rebuilt the section. It still sprayed water.
At this point, he had spent $100.00 on copper fittings and pipe, and had wasted nearly a full day working on the connection. Night had fallen, so he turned off the water at the street valve, which left his family without water. The next day he called a plumber who came out a day later. In 30 minutes, the plumber had completely replaced the damaged section—without leaks—and charged him $65.00. The moral of this story is that sometimes you can do things by yourself, and sometimes you should hire someone whose business it is to perform the work with a degree of knowledge and skill the layperson simply doesn’t possess. The attorneys at Winsor Law Group have decades of experience helping people prepare for and file for bankruptcy protection.
Contact us today at Winsor Law Group to discuss your options for both personal and business bankruptcy relief.
Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only. If you have questions about filing bankruptcy, please fill out our short questionnaire and Winsor & Reed will set up a consultation to see if bankruptcy is the right option for you. We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for relief under the Bankruptcy Code.
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